Saturday, December 29, 2007

Beach Babes

We are here at Seabrooke Island! We arrived on Thursday and the kids could not wait to get to the beach! While it was still cool (60 degrees) that did not stop my beach babies..they could not wait to get to the beach!

here they are running to the beach

They rolled up their pants (and dress) and got their feet wet...

we were able to be there as the sun started to set. One of Mary Alice's request for over a year is to see a sunset. She thought it was amazing! One of the "most beautiful things I have ever seen".

charlie loved digging after sand crabs and...

walking on the beach with mom...

but the best part was on Friday when Mamma and Coach arrived

charlie loved sitting on the porch with Mamma and...

Mary Alice loved rocking with Coach.
we love Coach!
On Saturday Mary Alice had some "mommy time"..we went to Freshfields and had some peppermint ice creams and bought flip flops...

Mary Alice loved singing with the frogs,

oh what fun we are having! Tomorrow morning we head for Charleston!
Come back soon!

1 comment:

G-MA said...

Mary Alice, Looks like you had a lot of fun on the beach. Charlie, how many sand crabs did you catch?
Happy New Year!
Love, G-Ma and G-Dad