Monday, December 31, 2007

Get your Guns Up!

Just thought I would share a little something with you. Steve is so proud of his little red raider. Can you guess what lullaby steve sings to the kids each night before bed? Charlie can now sing a little too!

GO TECH! Get your GUNS UP for this future Red Raider!


The Kasanoff Family said...

Mary-Alice, Great pictures and show. If you get this send me back an e-mail. love ya!!!


Landon said...

Viva La Matadors!!

Landon said...

Wow Mary Alice, Natalie and I think you did a great job singing that! Way to go!

G-MA said...

Mary Alice,

G-Dad and enjoyed hearing you sing the Matador song. What a beautiful voice you have! Your singing encouraged the Red Raiders to win the bowl game today.
Love, G-MA and G-Dad

mandy said...

OH my! Gabe & Ansley insist on watching MA throughout the day. They think she's a movie star!

Deonne said...

That is PRECIOUS!! She knows more words that most grown Tech fans!! Loved your Christmas card! Emmerson thinks Mary Alice is Ariel...her favorite Disney princess and LOVES to look at it over and over. I love keeping up with you guys. Kay Lynn, you are like the champion blogger!