Friday, February 1, 2008

Five Funny's on Friday

well here's been another great week!

1) "Charlie, you do not tell me what to do that is only for mommy and daddy"

Charlie is starting to fight back and tell "sissy" what he thinks!

2) "Dad, can you please stop bossing me around"

She did ask nicely, although I do not think that really made a difference.

3) "Excuse me Merrill, I am sorry what did you say? My father was interrupting me."

Mary Alice was talking on the phone to her cousin Merrill and Dad was asking her to do
something at the same time.
4) "Mommy do we have money for this or do we need to pay our heat bill"

We have been talking to Mary Alice about how we do not buy everything we see. That one (of several) reasons is because we have to pay our bills. That the heat in our house, water, or light is not free, that we pay money for those things. However, it sounds a little different when your child is holding up a pencil in Target and and asking out loud it we have the money for the pencil or if we need to pay our heat bill.

5) "Passies ALLLLLLLLLL Gone!"

This is what charlie says if you ask him where his passies are...and yes he drags out the
ALLLLL before ends ends with with a quick "gone".

Well I actually have several more "funnies" but I will save them later. I have this little notebook I keep in my purse and write down the cute things they say thoughout the week (because my memory is not what it used to be) it really is so fun to look over them and then share them with you!


G-MA said...

Your dad and I ejoyed the five funny's this morning. Especially #4. We will look forward to every Friday morning.
Love, G-MA and G-Dad

Barbara said...

very funny! I hope you are able to pay that heat bill this month. :)
Does that notebook have graph paper perhaps?

Hélène said...

Kay-Lynn, you are such a great mom! M-A and Charlie are so lucky to have you! I love reading the funnies because it gives me a glimpse of the conversations you have with the kids... I can totally see it, like a mini-movie...I know they take after you when it comes to talking!!! Love, Hélène xxx

Mamma said...

Those are 5 terrific "funnies". I adore Mary Alice's ability to just say EXACTLY whatever she is thinking--she is just amazing. The only thing I would suggest you adding to your Friday Funnies is writing down the words to some of her "original" songs. Charlie is getting there--won't be long until they will be having more active "debates". Thanks for sharing.