Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whacked Fairy Tales

It is official..Mary Alice has appeared in her very first play. She was a cow in "click, clack, moo" which was a part of the bigger production "Whacked Fairy Tales". It was unbelievable really. The production consisted of children ages 5-17yrs old. To see children act and remember their lines at such a young age was amazing to me. The play was about an hour long and the children had no help. It really was a real performance.

Here are some pictures!

Here we are outside the theatre standing in front of the sign that advertised their play

Here we are before the performance # 2 on Saturday

Here is Mary Alice in action

Kids on stage

My favorite cow

She was so surprised by her flowers each night

Here were are after performace #2

Here is Mae, her "step-sister". Ask me to tell you the is hilarious!

Mamma and Mary Alice

And here is where I had tears in my eyes...curtain call!


Kiera said...

Oh I loved those little books!! I bet it was the cutest thing ever. Wish we could have been there! She's a natural, I"m sure!

G-MA said...

Mary Alice you will have to give us your autograph. When you visit you can perform the play for us.
Wish we could of been there.
G-Dad and G-MA

mandy said...

Cute! How did I never know about this?? Precious. I need to know about that 'stepsister'.